Do you think it is A Nightmare to Migrate your Database?

Not Any More!! Let us know we will make the Migration a Smooth experience.

At times customer think that migration is quite simple, it is just lift and shift. But with today’s new technology, there will always be new bugs or issues developed during migration. There is a need of proper approach and plan for Migration along with failsafe processes inplace. Our Experienced DBA team can help you with proper procedures, approach and plan for smooth Migration experience.

Migration Services options

There 4 major options for migration with respect to Oracle Database services

  • Operating System Migration

    Migrating your database to different OS can be nightmare !, you want your data to be consistent and should be available as it was available before. Our DBAs have experience to do migration across different operating systems like Solaris to RHEL or Oracle Linux , Windows to Oracle Linux or RHEL and vice versa. We can tackle problems and issues during cross OS migration with Ease and you will get your data with negligible / at times zero data loss.

  • Cross product migration

    While migration from Other products to Oracle might require an precise and needs lot of considerations right from compatibility to present applications using that database even migrating and converting data to related datatypes. Our team is experienced in migrating Access, Mysql, Microsoft SQL server, Sybase and DB2 to Oracle Database 12C.

  • Cross Version migrations

    At times your application is supported by your vendor for specific oracle version only. We can migrate your database to that particular version. Can be cross OS or Cross Platforms. You can visit our oracle Database Upgrade solutions for more details.

  • Migration to Cloud

    Cloud Migration is the most important aspect you should think of while planning for migration. You might want to migrate to DBaaS cloud services or oracle Cloud or you want to migrate to IaaS cloud infrastructure of any Cloud Service provider. We can do both of these migrations. You can visit our Oracle Database as a service Cloud offerings page and Infrastructure as a service offering page for more details.

Are you looking for an Smooth Migration Experience or have an Specific UseCase?

Talk to us , our Initial Advice is Absolutely Free, Send a message below or Contact us over an Email or Call us on +91 (0) 9821884629.